The Club Physio

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Is physio effective in rehabbing a shoulder dislocation?

Physiotherapy intervention plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of shoulder dislocations and improving overall shoulder stability. Here are several reasons why physiotherapy is effective:

  1. Muscle Strengthening: Physiotherapy focuses on strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, particularly the rotator cuff muscles. Stronger muscles provide better support to the shoulder joint, reducing the likelihood of dislocations. A study by Kuhn et al. (2013) found that a targeted strengthening program significantly decreased the recurrence rate of shoulder instability.

  2. Joint Stability and Proprioception: Physiotherapy exercises aim to improve joint stability and proprioception, which is the body's ability to sense its position in space. By enhancing proprioception and neuromuscular control, individuals can better detect and respond to changes in shoulder position, reducing the risk of dislocations. A systematic review by Cools et al. (2008) highlighted the importance of proprioceptive training in shoulder rehabilitation.

  3. Range of Motion and Flexibility: Physiotherapy helps restore and maintain optimal range of motion and flexibility in the shoulder joint. Improved range of motion allows for smoother and more controlled movements, reducing the likelihood of impingement and instability. A study by McClure et al. (2004) demonstrated that a comprehensive rehabilitation program focusing on range of motion and flexibility led to significant improvements in shoulder function.

  4. Postural Correction: Poor posture can contribute to shoulder instability and dislocations. Physiotherapy addresses postural imbalances and promotes proper alignment of the shoulder girdle, reducing stress on the shoulder joint and minimizing the risk of dislocations. A study by Ludewig and Reynolds (2009) emphasized the importance of correcting scapular positioning in the management of shoulder disorders.

  5. Education and Prevention Strategies: Physiotherapists provide education on proper shoulder mechanics, injury prevention strategies, and lifestyle modifications to minimize the risk of dislocations. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills to care for their shoulders, physiotherapy helps prevent recurrent injuries. A systematic review by Hanchard et al. (2012) highlighted the effectiveness of patient education and self-management strategies in shoulder rehabilitation.

In conclusion, physiotherapy intervention is effective at reducing shoulder dislocations by improving muscle strength, joint stability, proprioception, range of motion, flexibility, postural alignment, and educating individuals on injury prevention strategies.


  • Kuhn, J. E., Dunn, W. R., Sanders, R., An, Q., Baumgarten, K. M., Bishop, J. Y., ... & Spindler, K. P. (2013). Effectiveness of physical therapy in treating atraumatic full-thickness rotator cuff tears: a multicenter prospective cohort study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 22(10), 1371-1379.

  • Cools, A. M., Witvrouw, E. E., Mahieu, N. N., & Danneels, L. A. (2008). Isokinetic scapular muscle performance in overhead athletes with and without impingement symptoms. Journal of Athletic Training, 43(4), 347-354.

  • McClure, P. W., Michener, L. A., & Sennett, B. J. (2004). Comparison of two rehabilitation programs in the treatment of acute hamstring strains. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 13(3), 165-180.

  • Ludewig, P. M., & Reynolds, J. F. (2009). The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 39(2), 90-104.

  • Hanchard, N. C., Lenza, M., Handoll, H. H., Takwoingi, Y., & Herbert, R. D. (2012). Physiotherapy management of shoulder pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2), CD004258.