Landmine press - Standing variations

The Landmine press is a great upper limb push and total body vertical power exercise. 

It is great in a rehab or modified strength session as it allows a lessened vertical angle and therefore reduces load through anterior shoulder joint which is beneficial where vertical press exercises cause pain. 

Another benefit is the position it puts the athlete in. We see a much more forward leaning posture which is a much more relevant posture to field and contact sport athletes. 

Here we can see multiple variations of the Landmine press:

  1. Strict single arm Landmine press

  2. Landmine Push press

  3. Banded Landmine push press

  4. Banded Landmine push press + eccentric bias.

For any additional information on shoulder injury or pathology or to get an assessment of your own feel free to contact us.

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Fax: 8088 4338



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