hamstring strength
Single leg Alternating Plyometric Hamstring bridge
When rehabbing soft tissue injuries it is very important to rehab to build resilience in the tissue but also be specific to what the role of the muscle is.
This varies from patient to patient as their sport specific needs will change.
Football (Soccer) involves repeat high end speed,acceleration and deceleration.
In a single leg alternating plyo bridge we aim to recreate the isometric bracing that our body will subconsciously do when landing on a single leg which is a common occurance in the sport as well as producing a fast concentric movement recruiting both hip and knee components of the hamstring.
Single leg plyometric bridge
This is exercise is aimed at explosive strength involving both hip extension and knee flexion.
Our highest risk for re-injury when rehabbing hamstring injuries lies at top end speed and quick deceleration.
This aims to address both of these high end risk factors. Here we can see James aiming to drive his heel through the bench/box to maximal height and catching himself on the same leg.
Prescribe this as you would power exercises as they should be a maximal effort.
single leg RDL - Deceleration bias (drop & catch)
Fast eccentric contraction puts high levels of contractile force through the hamstring muscle group and we know that tears often occur when the hamstring muscle group is towards maximal length eg kicking, striding out in sprinting or picking a ball up off the ground at high speed.
Here we can see James performing a variation of the RDL where the eccentric phase of the hamstring muscle activity is performed quickly (dropping the kettlebell) and then slowed to a dead stop quickly (catching the kettlebell).
1) Unrack the barbell and secure it by pulling your shoulders back.
2) Keep your feet approximately hip width apart.
3) Keep your knees slightly bent, then hinge your hips backwards while maintaining a natural lumbar curve.
4) Once you get to your end range come back up to full extension.
5) Repeat for each rep.
stiff leg deadlift.
1) Start with your feet hip width apart.
2) Grip the bar just outside your legs.
3) Drop your hips down, keep your chest up, back straight and deadlift the bar to the top position.
4) Brace your midline by pulling your shoulders back and bracing your core.
5) Keep a slight bend in your knees, hinge the hips back and take the bar down keeping it close to your legs the whole way.
6) Once you reach the end range and your hamstrings won't let you go lower, stand back up keeping the bar close to your body.
7) Repeat for each rep.
wide grip stiff leg deadlift
1) Start with your feet hip width apart.
2) Grip the bar wider than shoulder width apart.
3) Drop your hips down, keep your chest up, back straight and deadlift the bar to the top position.
4) Keep a slight bend in your knees, hinge the hips back and take the bar down keeping it close to your legs the whole way.
5) Once you reach the end range and your hamstrings won't let you go lower, stand back up keeping the bar close to your body.
6) Repeat for each rep.
Dumbell split stance RDL.
1) Start with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
2) Take one foot back approximately 1-2 feet.
3) Hinge your hip back while keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight.
4) As you descent with the DBs, you should feel the hamstring of the front leg increasing in tension.
5) Once you get to your end range, come back up and repeat the hip hinge and descent for each rep.
single leg romanian deadlift (RDL).
1) Start with your feet hip width apart keeping a slight bend in both knees.
2) Hold 1 DB in both hands keeping your arms straight.
3) Lift one foot off the ground and take the leg back; in the same motion bring the torso down so the leg and upper body remain in the same line.
4) Make sure to maintain a natural lumbar curve and keep your hips square.
5) Maintain a slight bend in the grounded foot; once you reach your end range come back up to the start position.
6) Repeat for each rep.
single leg hip extensions on roller.
1) Start laying flat on your back with one leg elevated and one heel resting on the foam roller.
2) Push through the leg on the foam roller and lift your hips up towards the ceiling.
3) Hold at the top of your rep maintaining good pelvic position.
4) Repeat
landmine single leg rdl
1) Set up landmine sleeve with a barbell. Lift barbell with opposing arm to stationary leg.
2) Lift one foot off the ground and take the leg back; in the same motion bring the torso down so the leg and upper body remain in the same line.
3) Make sure to maintain a natural lumbar curve and keep your hips square.
4) Maintain a slight bend in the grounded leg; once you reach your end range come back up to the start position. Try not to increase the knee bend through range
5) Repeat for each rep.
B-STance RDL - Dual Kettlebell
1) Set up in a split stance holding 2 KBs
2) Make sure to maintain a natural lumbar curve and keep your hips square.
3) Maintain a slight bend in the grounded leg; once you reach your end range come back up to the start position. Try not to increase the knee bend through range
4) Repeat for each rep.