upper body push
1) Sitting in Long sitting ( Legs straight, sit tall)
2) Start with dumbbells at shoulder height.
3) Keeping dumbbells in neutral position, palms facing head push towards the ceiling
4) Control the return phase
5) Repeat
single arm landmine press
1) Start with barbell in landmine sleeve.
2) Add weight to barbell taking into consideration the bar - longer bar = longer lever = increased difficulty
3) Start with bar close to shoulder, feet shoulder width apart with a slight forward lean.
4) Push Bar towards the roof aiming to push with good bar velocity.
5) Control the eccentric phase as the bar returns back to the shoulder. Ensure to keep the bar in front of the shoulder.
5) Repeat
single arm landmine Push press
1) Start with barbell in landmine sleeve.
2) Add weight to barbell taking into consideration the bar - longer bar = longer lever = increased difficulty
3) Start with bar close to shoulder, feet shoulder width apart with a slight forward lean.
4) DIp (break at hips and knees) and Push Bar towards the roof aiming to push with good bar velocity. Triple extension focus is important to help in power production.
5) Control the eccentric phase as the bar returns back to the shoulder. Ensure to keep the bar in front of the shoulder.
5) Repeat
single arm landmine Push press + Band
1) Start with barbell in landmine sleeve. Band underneath foot and around sleeve of Barbell.
2) Add weight to barbell taking into consideration the bar - longer bar = longer lever = increased difficulty
3) Start with bar close to shoulder, feet shoulder width apart with a slight forward lean.
4) DIp (break at hips and knees) and Push Bar towards the roof aiming to push with good bar velocity. Triple extension focus is important to help in power production.
5) Control the eccentric phase as the bar returns back to the shoulder. Ensure to keep the bar in front of the shoulder.
5) Repeat
single arm landmine Push press + Eccentric Bias
1) Start with barbell in landmine sleeve. Band underneath foot and around sleeve of Barbell.
2) Add weight to barbell taking into consideration the bar - longer bar = longer lever = increased difficulty
3) Start with bar close to shoulder, feet shoulder width apart with a slight forward lean.
4) DIp (break at hips and knees) and Push Bar towards the roof aiming to push with good bar velocity. Triple extension focus is important to help in power production.
5) Control the eccentric phase as the bar returns back to the shoulder. Ensure to keep the bar in front of the shoulder.
5) Repeat